16th Feb 2017
जैन सिन्हा जी, सभी सन्मान्य इंडस्ट्री और उद्योग जगत के captains, distinguished Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. वास्तव में मेरे लिए झारखंड सबसे महत्वपूर्ण राज्य है मेरे विभाग को अगर देखें चाहे वह बिजली हो, चाहे वह कोयला हो, चाहे वह खनन हो,तो मैं समझता हूँ कि मेरी तो पूरी ज़िन्दगी झारखंड के साथ जुड़ी हुई हैं|आज के दिन और जितनी संभावनाएं हैं झारखंड में उन संभावनाओं को अगर हम मद्देनज़र रखें तो रघुवर दास जी के नेतृत्व में जिस प्रकार से गत दो वर्षों में झारखंड राज्य ने तेज़ प्रगति की है चाहे वह ease of doing business हो, चाहे वह खनन क्षेत्र में तेज़ी से उत्पादन बढे, चाहे वह नीलामी हो कोयले की ब्लॉक्स की या अलग अलग प्रकार के mineral wealth की |
मैं सबसे पहले तो रघुवर दास जी आपको, आपकी पूरी टीम, आपके पदाधिकारी, आपके सहयोगी मंत्री, सभी को तहे दिल से धन्यवाद भी दूंगा, मुबारकबाद भी दूंगा, आपके नेतृत्व में जो इस प्रदेश ने प्रगति की है, विकास की राह पे उतरे हैं उसमें मुझे पूरा विश्वास है यह स्टेट आगे चल के देश में प्रथम श्रेणी में आएगा|
आज का जो यह Momentum Jharkhand आपने organize किया है इसमें हम सबका उत्साह बढ़ा है, हम सबको और इच्छा हुई है कि इस राज्य में और काम करें, इस राज्य में निवेश करें|
And after all, if you see success, success is always defined by only two elements, its leadership and vision. And to my mind, this state is poised for great things ahead given the current leadership, the enthusiasm, the integrity and the commitment of today’s leadership of Jharkhand and the vision with which they are taking this state forward, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that this state represented by the elephant, and in a way the elephant has a very important place in Indian, the Pantheon of Gods, in Indian history, in Indian mythology, Indian culture.
भगवन गणेश का स्वरुप है एक प्रकार से हाथी तो मैं समझता हूँ कि आज इस पहले Momentum Jharkhand को भगवन गणेश का भी पूरा आशीर्वाद मिलेगा मुझे उसका पूरा विश्वास है | अब समय आया है कि झारखंड पूरे देश की सेवा करे अपने अलग पदार्थों से और जब देश का जब Gross National Product का आंकलन किया जाता है तो उसमें खनन का बहुत महत्वपूर्ण रोल रहता है |
The mineral wealth of a nation coupled with human wealth, the animal wealth, investment is what determines national wealth, national product ;and in that sense, India has been blessed with huge amount of resources in the mineral sector but sadly for several years and several decades this sector remained neglected.When we take out the petroleum products and coal we barely contribute less than 1% to the National Gross Domestic Product through mineral production, through mineral wealth. This has huge potential to grow and in the coming months and in this year itself we are hoping to auction at least 30 new mines from Jharkhand. It will be in bauxite, in gold, in diamond, emeralds, iron ore, different products which Jharkhand has been blessed with. I am also very happy that we have been able to open after the Narendra Modi government came in the center the world’s largest single pit coal mine at Magadh with a normative capacity of 51 million tonnes and a peak capacity of 75 million tonnes in Jharkhand and that is the huge potential that Jharkhand holds for this country.
Going forward to my mind, Jharkhand has huge potential also because of the availability of low-cost power and we have been trying to work with the government of Jharkhand to promote domestic manufacturing in Jharkhand; particularly in products which are related to the renewable energy sector. Solar energy, for instance the production of silicon wafers requires a lot of power and cheap power. I think Jharkhand has huge potential to provide low-cost land, the enabling infrastructure and low-cost power which can help us be competitive in the manufacturing of solar equipment. And I would look at some of the good companies in the manufacturing space coming up soon in Jharkhand and would urge the state to consider setting up a dedicated park for manufacturing of solar equipment.
Very recently; in fact only yesterday We launched a new app and a portal called TAMRA, TAMRA as in Transparency, Auction Monitoring and Resource Augmentation. I suspect Jharkhand is an ideal candidate to benefit from that because this state has demonstrated the highest levels of transparency, this state has been at the forefront of augmenting resources and I have even more delight when I share with you the meaning of TAMRA. TAMRA otherwise means copper but in several South Indian languages it also reflects ‘Kamal’, the lotus flower, Tamirai they call it in Tamil, in Malayalam also I think it’s called Tawirai. Different versions of the word TAMRA reflect the lotus and in Jharkhand, we have the ability that from the ground, from within the ground, wealth can blossom, the lotus will blossom, the people of the state will benefit with new opportunities, new wealth and prosperity. And that blossoming of a better and brighter future is what Momentum Jharkhand is all about.
My congratulations to all the organizers and to all the participants my best wishes, happy investing in the state of Jharkhand. Success and prosperity awaits you in Jharkhand. Do come and put in your best foot forward in the state of Jharkhand.
Thank you.