Goyal further said the Centre is committed to support Andhra Pradesh in achieving its targets with respect to establishing clean energy projects in the state. Replying to query, he said the appointment of new CMD for NTPC is underway and the (ion committee is expected to come out with with its choice of candidate soon.
Confident that India will be able to keep power prices at lower levels with better demand-supply management systems, Power Minister Piyush Goyal said the prices may come down further.
“Business people will also have to model their business around the right price. They cannot run way with high prices. It is people of the country that would suffer. I am very delighted that the prices (of electricity) are very low and in the days to come we will continue to keep prices under control. Not though artificial controls. But through demand and supply management,” Goyal told PTI on the sidelines of Partnership Summit-2016 here.
Terming “one nation and one price”, he said for the first time in the history of India retail power was available at Rs 2.35 per unit as on December 29. “You could get power anywhere in the country at Rs 2.35. You may recall south India used to buy power at Rs 8 to Rs 10 (per unit). Sometimes it went up to Rs 15. Prices have come down significantly,” he added.
Earlier in his speech he said, state-owned power producer NTPC is setting up a 4,000 MW thermal power plant and 2250 MW solar power project in Andhra Pradesh. Goyal further said the Centre is committed to support Andhra Pradesh in achieving its targets with respect to establishing clean energy projects in the state. Replying to query, he said the appointment of new CMD for NTPC is underway and the (ion committee is expected to come out with with its choice of candidate soon.