Mines minister Piyush Goyal, who took charge of his new office on July 6, has said in order to make the upcomingmineral auction a success, states will have to cooperate with the central government in making land available.
“The states will have to support and cooperate in getting land. The Centre alone cannot do it,” Goyal said at a luncheon meet with reporters here.
The newly-appointed minister also said, he would ensure that better mineral blocks are put up for sale in the coming auctions.
Goyal alleged that the mines that were put up for sale under the previous government’s (UPA) regime were not good quality mines. Those mines were in deep forests or were so small in size that it was unviable to conductmining activities.
Mine auction of non-coal minerals received a lukewarm response from the companies on account of subdued commodity market situation.
Goyal said his effort would be to bring in technology in the mining sector that would help in streamlining the industry. He added that technology will yield greater results for the sector.