But, certainly I don’t wish to speak for long, but I would just like to lay the context in which I have had this opportunity to come here with my elder brother and interact with all of you.
Of course, today is the World Environment Day, I wish all of you well and clearly, the one big message that has come out in the last one week with events unfolding on the one hand in the United States of America, on the other hand, our own beloved Prime Minister in Germany, Spain, Russia, and then France. All through Europe, his travels, his engagements with international leaders have very-very very clearly demonstrated India’s leadership position, when it comes to tackling climate change, when it comes to addressing concerns of pollution of the environment. And, I think it is now a well established fact that what India spoke about years ago, in fact, probably 5000 years ago also, is now something which the whole world recognises. We respected the environment even 5000 years ago. After all, we prayed to the mountains, to trees, to rivers, forests, every living organism and in many cases even non-living organism, we respected as a country, as a culture, today the whole world is taking about that.
Paris rested on Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, sustainable lifestyles became a part of the Paris agenda. All thanks to the leadership that Prime Minister Modi gave. And, I am glad that as the World Environment Day is being celebrated the world over, people are also recognising the fact that what India is doing is far ahead of the curve, is something which the whole world recognises as probably the most important intervention. And, my own elder brother Ananth Kumar Ji today has been out on the streets planting trees the whole day. I must compliment him and I must compliment all the people of Bangalore for your support to this initiative.
Of course, Karnataka has a very special place in the country. Ananth Kumar Ji, if it wasn’t for that indelible ink you produce in Mysore, we wouldn’t even have free and fair elections in the country and I know this because when demonetisation was at its peak and we realised some people were misusing the facility to exchange cash, we thought of that indelible ink and we suddenly realised it is available nowhere else expect in Mysore. So really, very important role you play, other than the fact that even the national flag is probably produced only by Karnataka, the authorised version of the national flag.
The sad part is that on the one hand we have soldiers fighting to save the country and the unity and integrity of the country at the boarders in Kashmir and on the other hand, I don’t know if you, any of you saw on television today, an online portal has come out with an article by a so-called intellectual and as I was seeing on the television his thoughts, his views — a person whose name is Partha Bhattacharya or Partha Chatterjee or something, right! I thought Pako Chatterjee or something, I was a little confused because he seems to be more Pakistan-inclined than India-inclined. He should be probably renamed, I think as Pako Chatterjee. But when I read that on the television that one of portals is carrying an article, in which he has tried to compare our very revered Army General with the brutal General Dyer of Jallianwala Bagh, infamous for what he did in Jallianwala Bagh, it came to my mind that I have to address intellectuals at 4 o’clock, I will have to be really very-very careful because this word intellectual is a very dangerous word now-a-days. But, as Anant Kumar Ji just now told me, we have a very illustrious set of people, we have very illustrious citizens of Bangalore here today. And, thank you very much for sparing time.
We will have much more of an interactive session, but I just want to share with you the thinking behind this government that Prime Minister Modi has led in the last three years. Many of you will recall 2014, the kind of negativity that we had in the entire country. There was a feeling of despondency, economy was failing, growth was down to about 4 or 4 and half percent, inflation was in double digits, fiscal deficit was at 4 and half percent, current account deficit was at 4%, interest rates were sky rocketing. In that situation when Prime Minister Modi took charge of the country’s economy and the situation was as grim as we inherited in 2014, Prime Minister Modi had two paths ahead of him. One path was where he could easily have done some quick win solutions, some sops for the people, made everything look and feel very good in the short run. Possibly, made everybody feel that oh! What a great person he is, he just come and flooded the market with money, flooded the market with cash and everybody would have got a false sense of happiness and prosperity. But, these things are usually very short lived and they cause damage to the economy for years and decades to come after that.
I will give you a case in point. When in 2008 there was a global crisis, the then government, the government led by the Congress at that point of time in Delhi decided to let the fiscal deficit slide from 2.9% to 6.1%, almost double. And, basically what is fiscal deficit? The government is borrowing money, you are printing notes and flooding the market with currency — with money which certainly created a false illusion of great prosperity. We had growth rates as high as 9% in 2008-09 — two years — but the cost of that misdemeanour of that point of time, the nation had to suffer for 5 years after that and would have had to suffer for many more years but for the sage leadership that Prime Minister Modi gave to this government post 2014.
This temporary happiness is at the cost of high inflation, because when you are printing currency and you are letting the fiscal deficit go haywire, it correspondingly results in high inflation. High fiscal deficit, high inflation together cause higher interest rates. When interest rates become high, may be a small section of society, relatively richer people may enjoy the fruits of that. Because they are the one with assets, they are the one with wealth in their hands. But it is usually the poor of the country which suffers the brunt of high inflation, high interest rates. And, this sense of prosperity remains limited to a few people at the top. This is something more like a top-down approach.
Prime Minister Modi wanted to work differently. His approach was what Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay, whose birth centenary we are all celebrating this year, had visualised, had envisioned more than 50 years ago, when he spoke about happiness of an individual, he spoke about two important things; a) a person cannot be happy only with money — economic or monetary wealth. A person wants comprehensive happiness, all elements of a person’s life, it could be your family, it could be your culture, your tradition, your neighbours, your society, your workplace, your recreation, your leisure, everything put together determines your happiness. After all, Bhutan is not the world’s happiest country because it has large amount of wealth. That large amount of wealth is probably in Europe, in USA. Bhutan is the happiest country because of its strong traditional values, its heritage, its culture; the people are intrinsically happy. And, that is the kind of nation that Prime Minister Modi wanted to bring in this country. That is the kind of aspiration of people of India, and by people of India it means the entire population of 125 crore people that he was trying to address.
And, second was the concept of the Antyodaya that Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay ji had articulated, that the nation’s resources will first go to serve the person at the bottom of the pyramid. This government is a government of the poor. It is a government dedicated to the welfare of the socially and marginalised sections of the society. This government is committed to the farmers of the country. This government is committed to make it a better place for women, for the youth of this country. Because, we genuinely believe that the bottom-up approach is what is going to help this country grow sustainably, grow over decades and unless the fruits of development reach out to every section of society; the farmers, the labour, women, youth, sections of society which for decades and centuries have been deprived, unless we really reach benefits of development across the country to every section the country can not be happy, the country cannot prosper. And, for that Prime Minister Modi did not want to take the short cut, the short path of the temporary happiness, temporary prosperity. He was looking to create a foundation, a foundation on which the country can set decades of prosperity. A foundation where we set things right from the very root, so that for years and years after that, you and me and our families, and our children after us can really find happiness in this country.
Towards that end, if one can take an analogy, I don’t know if there is any builder amongst all of you here, anybody who works in the real estate sector. You know in the real estate sector and I am taking this analogy just to make the thinking of this government simple for all of you, if you have to construct a 4 or 5-storey building, you will all appreciate, you need to make a small foundation on which you can make 5-storey structure. It can be done very quickly because you have to dig a small hole, make a foundation and today with MIVAN technology and all of that, a five-storey building you could probably construct in 6 or 8 months or may be a year, very comfortably. So all the ladies who own flats in that structure will get their keys quickly and they can go and occupy it and गृह प्रवेश करके everybody can be happy. But, after all, in a five storey structure you can only accommodate less people than there are in this room also.
What this country needs is skyscrapers. What this country needs is prosperity, not for one year, two years, five years, but, for the next 50 years, for the next 100 years. What this country needs is not homes for 50 or 100 people in a small building. What this country needs is homes for millions of people who are homeless today. What this country does not only need and Bengaluru gets 24×7 power or Mumbai or Delhi or Chennai. What this country doesn’t need is only all of us get 24 hours power, not that our businesses enjoy 24 hours power. What this country needs is those 20 crore people who still don’t have power, should also get the benefit of power and 24 hours power just like your children and my children get.
And, therefore, this government decided that what we will do is a solid foundation, a foundation which can withstand the worst of shocks. And, obviously, if you are creating a foundation for a 100 or a 200 storey building, then your hole has to be really deep, you have to dig really deep into the ground before you can even start making that foundation. When you dig deep into the ground a lot of muck comes up. That muck also has to be handled, that muck also cannot be left loitering around. Somebody will say, स्वच्छ भारत की propagation करने आया हूँ मैं, but, really you cannot leave the mucker around, you have to park that muck, उसको भी ठिकाने लगाना पड़ता है, get rid of that muck.
Of course, when we try to get rid of that muck then we are called that we are doing witch hunting or we are trying to settle scores. That is an unfortunate thing! Today, if somebody is caught with his hand in the till trying to steal something, he says, no-no this is political vendetta. Somebody else gets caught doing illegal transactions in income-tax, he says, no, you are trying to muzzle the press. I don’t know where all these excuses and alibis come from? The investigative agencies have to do their job. The muck has to be sorted out, it cannot be just left lying around. But, when you dig a deep hole you take out that muck, you sort out that muck, then you plan a solid foundation. When you make a solid foundation, you have to design it well, you have to execute it well, construct it well. After all, you don’t want a foundation afterwards in which it is so porous that water gets into it. You want it to really withstand the worst of earthquakes, the worst of problems, right! You create a solid foundation and all of this certainly can’t be done with the speed of a 5 storey building. You create a solid foundation and when that solid foundation is in place then the real estate friend in the front will tell you getting each floor, each storey constructed is very simple. Almost every 15 days, 10 days you can make one-one storey on top of that, if your foundation is strong. If you start with a weak foundation then just like we have buildings falling in Bhayandar near Mumbai, collapsing like ninepins even brand new buildings and now in Kolkata also. Then you will have that type of a problem.
This government did not ever or in the words of Arnab Goswami, never-ever took a decision on political considerations. Anant Ji will probably remember, there have been so many occasions when almost all of us in that cabinet room unanimously wanted to oppose a particular decision — I think the cameras are here, I should be careful about what I am saying — but, very often there was a decision to be taken which was politically not correct; good for the nation, good for the people of India, but, when with an impending elections are round the corner, we would say Sir, let’s delay it little bit , थोड़ा बाद में करेगें, अभी करेगें तो क्या message जायेगा, चुनाव में क्या परिणाम होगा?
But, Prime Minister Modi was steadfast, is it good for the country? Is it good for the people? Yes, if it is, then we will do it, elections will come and go. And, elections in this country happen every three months-six months, so if we keep waiting for that then we will become like the previous 10 years government of UPA only. Ultimately, some hard decisions will have to be taken. If we want to reform this country then you will have to perform. If you perform that is the only way you can transform this economy. I am borrowing from our colleague Venkaiah Nadiu Ji’s style a little bit, who is your Hon’ble MP from Karnataka — of course, he was, now he has gone to Rajasthan.
But, truly, that has been the guiding philosophy of this government. Do what is right, do what is good for the nation and the people at large and do it when it is required to be done, not necessarily waiting for an opportune time, when it is politically going to suit your connivance. But, whatever you do should be sustainable, should outlast your and my lives, should help this country for generations, should help the youth of India stand on their own feet, should make the women of India feel secure, should give equal opportunity to every section of society, even the sections who for decades and centuries have suffered in this country; the schedule castes, the backward classes who for years and years, unfortunately, have been disadvantaged, have been deprived and make sure the benefits of development reach every section of society.
After all, this government is not elected by one set of people and has to serve only one set of people. This is a government which has to serve a 125 crore Indians uniformly across the country and irrespective of who runs a particular state, who runs a particular local body, our effort has been to take the fruits of our work, fruits of our development, right down to the last man across the country.
In the morning, while I was addressing the Press, I just remembered about one of my own experiences, just to highlight what we mean by serving a 125 crore people, as Coal Minister and I don’t know why I was given this portfolio, it was the most ticklish and dangerous portfolio to hold in this government soon after the Coal Gate scam and what not, we have just had convictions also happening in that old scam. But, very early on in my work as the Coal Minister, after the Supreme Court cancelled 204 coal blocks and once we had initiated a very transparent process of auctions so that the natural resources of the country are not given away for free to friends and relatives and party leaders, and MPs, they are actually given to the people of India whoever bids the best value, everybody has an equal opportunity and the money that comes out of this auctions go to the state governments to serve the people of India. Along with that, I also had to give coal blocks to the state governments.
There were six operating coal blocks in my own state of Maharashtra – 6 of them and from those coal blocks to the power plants of Maharashtra government the distance is 20-30-40 Kms, so if they would get that coal from those blocks power costs in Maharashtra could have fallen at least by Rs. 1 a unit — at least, nearly 25-30%, the cost could have fallen per unit of electricity, though they also have to get coal from far away. But, if I had done that, Karnataka would have had to bring coal, instead of from Western Coal Fields Limited near Nagpur from even farther away, somewhere in Orissa or Jharkhand or somewhere. Which means we would have reduced — we as in, I am being parochial in that, that my state Maharashtra — would have saved one rupee for every unit of power that they consume, but, probably, Karnataka would have landed-up paying two rupees for every unit of power more than you consume — two rupees more per unit, become the distance would have become that much farther, the greater the distance, there is an exponential loss because you have losses on the way, you have longest-largest stocks to carry, variety of reason, it would have cost as I calculated on Karnataka’s power consumption, about 1 rupees 75 paisa or two rupees.
But, Prime Minister Modi’s direction was clear, do what is right for the nation, not for one state or the other. Maharashtra was a BJP government in the state, Karnataka was a congress government. Maharashtra right from Chief Minister down everybody was ready to, I don’t know, I can’t say kill me कल को ला के मुझे कुछ हो गया तो देवेंद्र के ऊपर action हो जाएगा but, honestly, he was, the whole state of Maharashtra, editorials were written against me, front page articles, that I should give those blocks to Maharashtra. I remember, at one point they even told me तेरे को वापिस चुन के नहीं भेजेंगे राज्य सभा में, and my term got over last year.
Of course, at that time Ananth Kumar Ji had offered that he will send me to Rajya Sabha from Karnataka. But, the right decision was that these blocks were serving the people of Karnataka earlier and should have gone to Karnataka and that is a decision Prime Minister Modi’s government took. And, they continue to be with Karnataka. Maharashtra has also appreciated the point of view in the larger context, in the larger scheme of things, so that everybody can be benefit rather than one benefiting at the cost of the other. And, that has been the approach of this government in a variety of the decision. We have had to take decisions for farmers’ welfare, we have had to take decisions to promote industry in the state, we have had to take decisions for the youth, for women, for the deprived sections of society, in every decision we have worked in a principle of zero discrimination, fair and equal opportunity to all sections of society. And, clearly, if you have a look at where this country stands 3 years into the Modi government, we stand proud and tall in the comity of nations worldwide.
Today, India’s leadership on international fora is respected, is welcomed. The whole world is looking up to Prime Minister Modi to give leadership to our efforts, to promote growth internationally, to promote a better environment internationally, to bring about peace and cooperation and create and greater engagement amongst nations internationally, to fight against corruption and black money, not only in our own countries but through support of each other globally. Many of you may recall, at a G-20 Summit in Australia two years ago, it was Prime Minister Modi who insisted that the world will have to do a collective effort to stop the problem of money flows and money laundering internationally. And, that was accepted and it has now become an engagement where all the countries of the world are together working to eliminate flow of money or ease of flow of money from different jurisdictions, particularly illicit money.
In Paris, when Prime Minster Modi talked of sustainable lifestyles, reducing waste in the developed world, we were able to get that into the Paris Agreement, so that the developed world also understands that they cannot waste electricity, they cannot waste food, they cannot have wasteful consumption of products and at the same time hope to save the world, save the planet.
This kind of bold and decisive leadership has been the hallmark of the Modi Government for last 3 years, both internationally and at home. Today, we have a government that is willing to take very tough decisions in national interest, which resolves issues which had been pending for long time, years and years, there have been issues which have been pending. Very recently, in the last session, through Hon’ble Minister Shri Anant Kumar Ji’s very-very, I can even call it nimble footed approach, but very sharp understanding of parliamentary processes, he has been even able to get the most contentious Enemy Property Bill passed, which has saved lakhs of crores of rupees for India. And, look at the number of the laws that this government has passed unanimously in both Houses of Parliament — Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. He may remember them more better than me. But, GST, one of the most contentious tax reform, but, probably the most historical reform ever attempted in India passed unanimously from both houses. The Bangladesh Boundary dispute passed unanimously from both houses. I think Arbitration Act…. There is such a series of laws that have been passed unanimously — the Judicial Accountability Bill — so may issues on which to bring about a consensus amongst all parties.
This session was historical, 117% performance of Lok Sabha and 109 or something of Rajya Sabha. We are so used to watch out the full sessions, where zero work used to happen against that under the able leadership of Parliamentary Affairs and Chemicals & Fertiliser Minister Shri Ananth Kumar, 117% efficiency in Lok Sabha, 109 in Rajya Sabha where we are in a minority, it has truly been a phenomenal session. But, overall, this government has demonstrated that it is looking for a long term vision for India. We are working to provide by 2022 when this country turns 75 years, a home for every citizen of this country, with electricity, water, toilet, a road leading up to the home, quality healthcare and education in the vicinity. An effort that every citizen of this county gets a certain reasonable standard of living. And, this cannot happen through a top-down approach, those days are gone. Today, if we spend even 20 thousand crore rupees and set up a large steel plant or 13-15 thousand crore rupees and set up a large power plant, you will create 5 thousand jobs – 7 thousand jobs. But, in the bottom-up approach of Prime Minister Modi, when you give 7 crore beneficiaries over 3 lakh crore rupees of Mudra loans under the Mudra Yojna; loans which are ranging from 10 thousand, 5 thousand rupees to 10 lakh rupees, no guarantor; no collateral security; no interest lien, and at low interest, you don’t have to go to money lender. Today a common rickshaw puller, an e-rickshaw driver, a carpenter, a mason, a small retail shopkeeper, a women wanting to start a tailoring class, another women wanting to do tailoring, sew some clothes and make some money, somebody wants to run a Charka to make Khadi, somebody wants to start a small security company, an electrical appliances showroom or a service company for setting up solar panels, all of these different vocations, entrepreneurial ideas are being given wings under this government.
Today, the youth of this country, are moving away from being job seekers to becoming job creators. After all, Skill-India, Stand-Up India, Digital India, this whole JAM trinity — Jan Dhan-Aadhaar and Mobile — this JAM trinity is being used to good effect, on the one hand to make sure the subsidies go directly to the beneficiaries into their account through a direct benefit transfer, that has itself saved some 49650 crore rupees of the government of India in the last 3 years and that money again goes to serve the poor. Peoples’ Participation; Jan Dhan Accounts being opened for 28 crore people, families who never had a bank account are being included the financial inclusion architecture. Mobile telephones are there in the nook and corner the country, across the country today.
We are working to ensure that Aadhaar numbers which are now about 99% of all adults, last 10-12 crore children and minors are now being covered. And, through this trinity how can we empower the youth of this country, the women of this country to stand on their own feet. How can we empower the farmers of this country — today, a question was asked in the press conference about what we did for the farming community? I would think this audience here relatively has less interest in farmers, but if one looks at the holistic view of all that we have done for farmers, who are really the backbone of our economy, in terms of their insurance : प्रधानमंत्री फसल बीमा योजना, — 100% loss being insured, low premium, even at only 33% level of loss also he gets eligible for insurance, the Pradhan Mantri Sinchai Yojana, Irrigation facility is being given a new thrust to complete old projects. The fantastic success, Ananth Kumar Ji, has had through the Neem coating of urea, by which urea which was meant for the farmers used to be illegally diverted to the industry, subsidised urea going to profit the industrialists, but the farmer having to come out on streets because he never got urea on time. I think in 3 years there has not been a single occasion where a farmer had to be stressed for urea, urea has been in abundance supply at prices which are 40% less. So government subsidies also have come down. Credit for the farmer for the first time, for purchase of urea. And, now because of Neem coating that urea is no more good for the industry, but, it adds 10% more efficiency for the farmer, so he will consume 10% less urea, get the same outcome and has urea available at cheaper prices than what it was 3 years ago. For the first time, Ananth Kumar ji even reduced the price of urea. It has been a holistic approach to make the farmers dream come true, to really take him to doubling his income by 2022.
It has been the government that is focussed on doing a root cause analysis, carefully prioritising the issues before the nation. After the root cause analysis finding out whether things needs out to be changed, the process, procedure, laws — over 1100 laws have been scraped, irrelevant laws. So our approach is not that if somebody comes to Ananth Kumar Ji or to me with a problem, we are not trying to sort out his or her problems, we are finding out what caused that problem and setting that problem right. So, that 30 other people in this room who may have a similar problem, won’t have to come to Ananth Kumar or to Piyush Goyal. So the problem solving is through procedures, processes, empowerment rather than individual case solving.
Transparency, of course, has been the hallmark of this government, all our actions are put out in public domain, as he said, information. Every year we come to the people with a report card of what we have done. Mann ki baat — every month Prime Minister shares his ideas, his vision of a new India, he talks about janbhagidaari; peoples involvement. After all, this a government of the people, by the people, for the people, but if we have to serve the people then the people will also have to serve themselves. Nobody helps unless you help yourself first. Swachhta cannot happen because Modi Ji says it or because Ananth Kumar Ji goes and sweeps, we will all have to be conscious about Swacchta. Digital India won’t be a success if we don’t accept the digital payments in our shops or showrooms or businesses. Corruption cannot be eliminated unless we all decide we’ll not pay a bribe; we will become whistleblowers if somebody asks us for a bribe. All of these things can best be done when all of us work together as a team — the Team India of 125 crore people working together for a better and brighter future for the youth of this country. Working that the new India that Prime Minister Modi is working towards, is a India where prosperity is there, not poverty. It is an India where there is no discrimination — equal opportunity for all. It is an India where women feel safe, where the youth have opportunities to prosper in life, to do better in life, to stand on their own feet, to be independent. It is an India where you can truly say that poverty is history and well-being of 125 crore Indians is the collective responsibility and the outcome of the collective efforts of all of society.
Just like each one of you and I suspect most of you in this room must have joined the Yojna — the Give It Up Yojna — where you gave up your LPG cylinder subsidy, so that a poor woman could get a free LPG connection out of your support, you savings and her life, her health could be better. Just in that same sprit, I request each one and every one of you to participate in the efforts of this government wholeheartedly, work as a team, be a part of this change that we want to see in this country. They often say, be the change that you want the world to be. You can make a difference to the future of this world. And, ladies & gentlemen, I invite each one of you, to become those ambassadors of this change that this country, that the people of this country are yearning for.
I have no doubt in my mind, an empowered India, an India which finds its true place in the comity of nations as a superpower, is the collective dream of all of us in this room. Some of us have been given a responsibility to work towards that. But, we cannot fulfil that dream unless each one of us here becomes a part of that dream, becomes a part of this collaboration between the people of India and all the pillars of democracy, be it the media, be it the judiciary, be it the bureaucracy and be it the political establishment. We will all have to collectively play our role honestly.
It is a government which has not had a single scam. Of course, for Bangalorites it is very difficult, you are used to hearing about corruption regularly on a daily basis. Sometimes there is a flyover where there is a problem, sometimes there is issues about the Power-Purchase Agreement. Every time I come to Bangalore I have been given a long list of issues that are plaguing the city. Possibly which means you really need a change in this state also very soon and you will get an opportunity very soon to do that. Well, sand mining is something which affects all of us actually, because when we go to construct our home, our office, even the infrastructure that is required to be done, this sand mafia and this sand mining costs are ultimately loaded to all of us. When there is a scam in steel industry, it affects all of us directly or indirectly, our cars, our vehicles, our homes, our offices, our surgical instruments for doctors, everything gets affected. So, please remember that a flyover, a bad flyover or an expensive flyover is ultimately our tax-payer money that is going into the docks, into the boondocks.
So let’s collectively rise, let our conscience rise to take part in this revolution that is happening in this country — a country which is today becoming a strong economy, one of the fastest growing economies in the world; inflation is down, interest rates are down, fiscal deficit is down, current account deficit is down, growth is up. In every parameter, the micro economy of this country has been strengthened. Today, we are an economy the world looks up to. You go to Europe, America even at 1% growth they are excited — they think that, Oh! We have come out of recession, we have come out of sub-zero growth into 1% growth. You can be proud, you’re growing at 7% plus. So we are living in a time where India is setting the rules of the game internationally. We are all here at a time when India and Prime Minister Modi is giving global leadership to the world. It is proud moment for each one of us. But, that proud moment will be incomplete till every citizen of this country gets a better quality of life, we take care of his basic needs, his basic amenities.
And, I appeal to each one of you to join the efforts of this government and collectively let’s do for this country, what I believe is our rightful duty, let’s all work to make our city, our state, our nation a better place to live in — a wonderful place to live in. Three years of this government, we have been able to do a lot, but we have still lots more to do. After all, this is a journey, in this journey when we work together we will go very far, if we work alone we won’t reach very far. So, I invite all of you to be a part of this journey, to join Ananth Kumar Ji and me, strengthen the hands of Prime Minister Modi and, collectively, make a difference to the future of India.
Thank you very much.