
November 7, 2016

30,000 MW of stalled power generation capacity revived

NEW DELHI: Over 30,000 MW of stalled power generation capacity has been revived in the last 18 months, the government said in Lok Sabha today, adding that it is working to ensure that there are no problems related to electricity supplies in the coming 10 years. 

Piyush Goyal, Minister for Coal and Power, said there is enough coal and electricity available in the country.  In the last 18 months, the government has revived stalled power generation capacity of over 30,000 MW, he said while replying to questions. 

In the last 18 months, the government has revived stalled power generation capacity of over 30,000 MW, he said while replying to questions. 

According to him, there are some power problems in Southern India, mainly on account of transmission issues. About 4,000 MW generation capacity have been added in the region in the last 18 months and additional 20,000 MW would be installed in the next three years, he added. 

Goyal emphasised that there is no politics with respect to the government’s efforts towards electrification of villages.  The government has launched Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) for separation of agriculture and non- agriculture feeders, strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution infrastructure for adequate electricity supply in rural areas. 

“Under the scheme, all un-electrified villages/ habitations would be covered for electricification which would give access to electricity to rural households. All the remaining un-electrified villages are targeted to be electrified by May 1, 2018,” Goyal said. 

In the 12th Plan period (2012-17), projects amounting to Rs 63,810 crore has been sanctioned so far under DDUGJY, including the subsumed Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, he added. With regard to electrification works in Uttar Pradesh, Goyal said his Ministry is yet to receive the data from the state government. 

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